Despite all the safety precautions a workplace can implement, accidents and unfortunate events can occur at any moment. This risk is even higher for construction companies in the Philippines, given the higher risk and exposure on-site employees face on the daily.
While nobody knows when an accident will occur, preparedness is key in reducing the number of injuries in the construction sector. Equipping your employees with the basic first aid protocols and emergency response can make a big difference. Here are some reasons why first aid training in the Philippine Construction Industry is important:
First aid can save lives.
Employees in this industry are exposed to numerous types of construction workplace hazards. It is essential for them to know how to properly respond to life-threatening situations and have the ability to provide immediate aid during crucial times.
One of the basic first aid techniques taught during training is learning about CPR or cardiopulmonary resuscitation. CPR is given in times of severe occupational accidents, injuries, or health problems. In the appropriate situations, applying CPR can keep the blood flowing and provide oxygen to important organs. The ability to perform CPR properly may make a significant difference in life-or-death scenarios.
First aid can prevent serious accidents.
Part of first aid training is knowing about the risks and hazards in the workplace. Most often than not, accidents occur because employees are not aware of the best practices on safety in the office or on site. First aid training equips the employees more knowledgeable about potential threats and hazards that cause injuries.
First aid provides pain relief.
Accidents in the workplace are inevitable. Having the knowledge in first aid can provide pain relief and temporary care, keeping further harm at bay.
Having the basic knowledge about first aid enables employees to know how to react and respond quickly during emergencies and help fellow employees in distress.
First aid prevents the spread of diseases.
First aid is also important in improving the protection of employees against infections and diseases in the workplace. Part of first aid training is learning the best methods in disease prevention and control.
First aid creates a better work environment.
Knowing that a company provides first aid training gives an assurance to the employees that they are working in a safe environment, where their safety and well-being are prioritized.
Corebilt employees have recently completed their first aid training with the Philippine Red Cross. Through this program, they are equipped with the basic knowledge and skills in providing immediate care and medical attention in case of an emergency in the office or on site.