
Building Your Dream Home Checklist

Thinking about building your dream house soon? Corebilt has prepared a short checklist on which you should consider before you start planning.

Set a realistic budget

Everything should start with the budget. As soon as you pin down the amount you are capable and willing to spend in the construction and design, the project can take shape. Setting a realistic budget is not something that can be done at random. A realistic budget is a result of many factors considered, many professional consultations, material canvassing, etc.

Having an idea of how much you are willing to allot for the project, however, will allow professional contractors to prepare suggestions and recommendations on how to go about with the build.

Fix financing for your home

In the Philippines, many banking and financial institutions allow and offer financing options for aspiring homeowners and purchasers. While different organizations have various sets of requirements and processes, it is important that you get yourself familiarized with it.

Plot your non-negotiables: location, features, design, key details

Another key factor in planning to build your dream home is identifying your construction non-negotiables. While the budget can determine  what can be achieved, your construction non-negotiables can limit the scope and other details of the project.

Assemble your dream team

Time to meet with the professionals! Doing a construction project on your own will be overwhelming and teaming up with professional contractors is advised–especially if it is for your dream home!

Acquiring the service of a professional contractor enables you to be connected to a reputable and trusted list of suppliers, vendors, and workers as well that can help you achieve your vision and turn your dream home into a reality.

Set a timeline

Time to put the plan in motion! Setting a timeline will help controlling different factors such as the budget. It will also be better to have a list of ongoing tasks and projects under the construction that you can keep track of.

Want to get a clearer idea on what to expect when building your dream home? Contact us and we’ll walk you through the whole process. Send us a message today!

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